داستان آبیدیک

conservative internationalist


1 سیاسی و روابط بین الملل:: محافظه‌کاران بین‌الملل‌گرا

Conservative nationalists have tended to stress U.S. sovereignty,1 while conservative internationalists have tended to stress the need for U.S. strategic engagement overseas.2These two emphases are not necessarily mutually exclusive, and at times have been compatible. This roundtable on the future of conservative foreign policy features a wide range of voices, from neoconservatives to paleoconservatives, conservative internationalists, and libertarians. Trump's approach to foreign policy shares with conservative internationalists a predilection for the use of force, but he dismisses their emphasis on free trade and immigration in favor of proto-nationalist autarky. As Dueck noted, conservative nationalists and conservative internationalists may have tended to stress different issues, but the "two emphases are not necessarily mutually exclusive and at times have been compatible." Freedom, Defense, and Sovereignty: A Conservative Internationalist Foreign Policy

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